01 Nov 2023

Tokyobike: social network management as an important part of the marketing strategy

At Contentiamo, we mainly take care of influencer campaigns, but we also like to manage social networks, which are important for brands not only to improve communication with customers and increase sales, but also to build awareness about the brand itself. And that is exactly what we have taken care of with our client Tokyobike, to whom we manage the social networks Instagram and Facebook since February 2022. Our main goal is to increase brand awareness and highlight the uniqueness and uniqueness of bikes available in Tokyobike. Let's take a look at how we achieved these goals.

Determination of the target group

In order to determine which type of content will work best, we need to refine our target audience. Both platforms, Instagram and Facebook, make up 60% of the female audience. So it could be said that despite the slightly smaller number of men, the distribution of followers by gender is quite balanced at Tokyobike. Therefore, we should create content that appeals to both women and men. The age of most Tokyobike followers ranges between 25 and 44.

Regularity of contributions

To begin with, we have determined with what regularity and what type of content we will add. Since we want to build brand awareness and actively maintain follower engagement, the frequency of posts must be frequent and regular, but not overly congested. We therefore chose the following procedure on Instagram: post 2x a week, stories 2x a week, reels 2x a month. At Facebook, we decided to make 2-3 posts per week.


The Contentiamo team also participates in some photo shoots for Tokyobike. We create content that is seasonal, authentic and keeps up with current trends. By regularly coming up with new ideas for Tokyobike, we greatly strengthen both the creative side and the visual side. The goal is to interact with Tokyobike posts as much as possible and to make it clear that their bikes are unique and not available in other places.

What came of it

On the Instagram account, the number of followers increased by about 50% with a total reach of about 250,000. The Facebook profile had a total reach of 350,000. This post did best: Reels about the new Thousand Heritage 2.0 helmets., which hit 41000 people (average post hits 683 people).

We recognize how important it is for the brand to build social networks with quality content. Not only to increase sales, but also to build brand awareness. Therefore, we treat the management of our clients' social networks very carefully and responsibly. We are always clear about what our goal is. At Tokyobike, we have made sure that people have a better awareness of the brand and that it clearly stands out for the uniqueness and uniqueness of its bikes, which are only available in Tokyobike.

“Working with Lukas from Contentiamo is a pleasure. Practically immediately he tuned in to a specific tokyobike product and with his creative approach he communicates aptly with our community. “

— Václav Stránský, owner @tokyobikepraha

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