Oct 07, 2022

How to do affiliate marketing in the world of social networks

Social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and others are no longer just a platform where you share your experiences, photos, vlogs. They are tools that can generate significant financial returns when you know how to use them properly. And these are not just paid or barter collaborations. More and more users are using affiliate marketing.

What is affiliate marketing?

Although the name sounds somewhat complicated, it is a simple principle of commission payment. This is a so-called promotional cooperation between two entities. In the field of social networks, one of the entities is the creator, or influencer, and the other is the brand with its e-shop. The influencer shares links to the e-shops and the brand pays him commissions on each order placed.

Affiliate marketing on social networks, sources:,

How do I know if I should be paid a commission?

The promotion process takes place through so-called tracked links. These links measure all click-through rates and can record all orders placed. Simply put, it is a link to a graduated product, through which money from commissions is credited to your account.

Where can I get tracked links?

The easiest way to get tracked links is to create a registration on the Contentiamo platform. Registration and use of the platform is completely free. This is the easiest and most effective way to connect creators and brands using affiliate marketing. You can easily generate links directly in your account.

How to get started on Contentiamo?

The basic step is to create a registration on our website The You can find all the registration process, setting up campaigns, creating tracked links, as well as a lot of other useful information in the introductory webinar — How to Contentiamo.

If you are still hesitant to start using affiliate marketing on your social networks or have any question, do not hesitate to contact us!

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